Lumineers Dentist Wyoming MI


Lumineers are similar to porcelain veneers. They are thin shells that cover your natural teeth to give the appearance of a whiter, more even smile. Lumineers, however, are much thinner than traditional veneers and require little to no enamel removal before they’re applied. You can clean your Lumineers just as you would your natural teeth, and with proper care, they can last for 20 years or more.

The Lumineers Procedure

If you decide that Lumineers are right for you, our Lumineers dentists will begin by taking an impression of your teeth to send off to the Lumineers lab. You won’t need to wear temporary veneers while your restorations are being created, which is another advantage to Lumineers. Instead, you’ll leave your first appointment with all of your teeth still intact.

Once your Lumineers are ready, you can return to our office for your second appointment. Unlike regular veneers, our dentists won’t have to remove a significant amount of your tooth’s natural enamel to attach Lumineers. This means that as much of your natural tooth will be preserved as possible.

Our Lumineers dentists will permanently bond your new Lumineers to the front of your teeth, where they’ll stay for years to come. The procedure is pain-free and can be completed in one appointment. When we’re finished, you’ll enjoy a completely new smile with no whitening required.

The Wyoming, MI Lumineers dentists at Ryan Frederickson DDS can give your smile a makeover with Lumineers. To make an appointment for a Lumineers consultation, give our office a call at (616) 534-5602.